Dubai Silicon Oasis, DDP Building A1

United Arab Emirates


1. Legislation
In accordance with the European and Spanish legislation on cookies, contained in Directive 2002/58 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of July 12, 2002 and Royal Decree-Law 13/2012, of March 30, we pass to inform you about our cookie policy.


2. Concept of cookies
Cookies are text files that the server sends to your browser and that contain information on the activity carried out on the website. In this way, the server can consult it when required, either in the session established on your current visit or during subsequent visits to the Web.


3. Cookies used by this website
Like the vast majority of web pages, it uses cookies to improve the use of the website, and because they are necessary for the proper functioning of the applications contained therein.

The cookies incorporated by our website are only intended to improve the use of it. They are not used to collect personal information.

Below we describe the cookies used:

Session Cookies.- These are cookies generated by the website and which are necessary for the proper functioning of the pages and their applications. As they are session cookies, they are deleted once the browser is closed.
Web analytics cookies.- Our website uses Google Analytics cookies to collect data from visits, pages visited or other information for statistical purposes.
Cookies for external content modules.- Modules embedded through an iFrame whose content is served by third parties. This is the case of the Google Maps location map.

4. Management of cookies in the browser
As indicated in the definition of the term cookies, these text files are sent to your browser, therefore, through your browser, you can modify the management of cookies.

In general, this can be done by accessing the "Options" or "Preferences" section of your browser, and from the corresponding section, you can deactivate the acceptance of cookies, delete stored cookies or simply limit their use.

If you want to access more detailed information on how to configure your browser, we leave you the following links:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet explorer
Safari for IOS (iPhone and iPad)
Chrome for Android